123 Main Street

123 Main Street , Rutherford , NJ, 07070

May 17th, 2021


Jeff Wysocki


Art Vandelay

Approximate Humidity


Approximate Temperature

64° F



Number of Bathrooms

Two ½

Number of Bedrooms


Present at inspection

Buyers Agent

Weather Condition

Sunny and 60’s

Weather Conditions

Clear throughout the day.

General Information

This report is the exclusive property of Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC and the client whose name appears herewith, and its use by any unauthorized persons is strictly prohibited.

The observations and opinions expressed within this report are those of Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC and supersede any alleged verbal comments. This report overrides, supersedes and negates any previous report that may have been submitted by us for this property and should be read in its entirety. Any reports previously submitted by us for this property should be destroyed and should not be relied upon or considered accurate or complete.

We will perform the inspection in accordance with New Jerseys Standards of Practice as described in NJAC 13:40-15.16. The client understand that New Jerseys Standards of Practice contain limitations, exceptions and exclusions. The inspection will not inspect for anything else unless otherwise agreed in writing. Those components that we do not inspect are clearly disclaimed in the contract and/or in the aforementioned standards. However, some components that are inspected and found to be functional may not necessarily appear in the report, simply because we do not wish to waste our client's time by having them read an unnecessarily lengthy report about components that do not need to be serviced.

New Jersey Business & Professions Code, Section 7195 provides the following definition for a home inspection;

A home inspection is a noninvasive, physical examination, performed for a fee in connection with a transfer, as defined in subdivision (e), of real property, of the mechanical, electrical, or plumbing systems or the structural and essential components of a residential dwelling of one to four units designed to identify material defects in those systems, structures and components. A home inspection also includes any consultation regarding the property that is represented to be a home inspection or any confusingly similar term. A material defect is a condition, or functional aspect, of a structural component or system that is readily ascertainable during a home inspection that substantially affects the value, habitability or safety of the dwelling, but does not include decorative, stylistic, cosmetic or aesthetic aspects of the system, structure or component.

In short, a home inspection is intended to assist in evaluation of the overall condition of the dwelling. The report is not intended to be a "check list" of items that need repair or general maintenance, it is designed to identify material defects or deficiencies that would have an adverse impact on the value of the real-property, or that involve an unreasonable risk to people on the property. This home inspection report will likely reveal many minor defects discovered during our examination of the property, but it will not reveal every condition that exists or ever could exist, and is intended to identify only those material defects that were observed on the day of the inspection.

In accordance with the terms of the contract, the investigation and service recommendations that we make in this report should be completed during your inspection contingency period by qualified, licensed specialists, who may well identify additional defects or recommend some upgrades that could affect your evaluation of the property.

Lower priority conditions contained in the body of the report that are neglected may become higher priority conditions. Do not equate low cost with low priority. Cost should not be the primary motivation for performing repairs. All repairs and upgrade recommendations are important and need attention. This report is a “snapshot” of the property on the date of the inspection. The structure and all related components will continue to deteriorate/wear out with time and may not be in the same conditions when you take possession of the house.

The failure to follow our recommendations constitutes a violation of our agreement and contract, which would hold us harmless for any subsequently alleged defects or deficiencies and by relying on this inspection report you have agreed to be bound by the terms, conditions and limitations as set forth in the CONTRACT AGREEMENT, which was presented to you at the time of the inspection or in an electronic attachment included with your completed report. If you do not have a copy of the CONTRACT AGREEMENT please contact us and a copy will be provided to you either electronically or by fax. If you do not agree to be bound by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT in its entirety, you must contact Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC immediately upon receipt of this completed report. In addition, all electronic and paper copies of the inspection report must be deleted and destroyed, and may not be used in whole or in part for consideration in a real estate transaction.

The scope of this inspection is limited to reasonably accessible areas. We make no attempt to move furnishings, stored personal items, and/or vegetation. Underground storage tanks, inner chimney conditions, pools, hot tubs, septic tanks and sewers are not a part of this inspection. We strongly recommend an oil tank sweep.

Your completed report may contain photographs of various conditions noted during the inspection. Photographs provided in this report are intended to help interested parties understand the context of this report, but may not represent the sum total of the conditions.

Scope of Work

Home inspections are essentially visual, and distinct from those of specialists, inasmuch as they do not include the use of specialized instruments, the dismantling of equipment, or the sampling of air and inert materials. Consequently, a home inspection and the subsequent report will not be as comprehensive, nor as technically exhaustive, as that generated by specialists, and it is not intended to be. Therefore, you should be aware of the limitations of this type of inspection, which are clearly indicated in the Standards. The purpose of a home inspection is to identify significant defects or adverse conditions that would warrant a specialist evaluation. However, the inspection is not intended to document the type of cosmetic deficiencies that would be apparent to the average person, and certainly not intended to identify insignificant deficiencies.

I can offer no assurance that past or active water infiltration has occurred or is occurring unless I was able to observe signs or visual clues on the day of inspection (stains that have not been covered up or concealed). If the structure behind walls, floors or ceilings is covered by finishes I cannot see through them. Therefore it is very possible latent water infiltration, rot, mold, insect, and or other damages may be occurring that I did not see or report on today.

Most homes built after 1978, are generally assumed to be free of asbestos and many other common environmental contaminants. However, as a courtesy to our clients, we are including some well documented, and therefore public, information about several environmental contaminants that could be of concern to you and your family, all of which we do not have the expertise or the authority to evaluate, such as asbestos, radon, methane, formaldehyde, termites and other wood-destroying organisms, pests and rodents, molds, microbes, bacterial organisms, and electromagnetic radiation, to name some of the more commonplace ones. Nevertheless, we will attempt to alert you to any suspicious substances that would warrant evaluation by a specialist. However, health and safety, and environmental hygiene are deeply personal responsibilities, and you should make sure that you are familiar with any contaminant that could affect your home environment. You can learn more about contaminants that can affect you home from a booklet published by The environmental Protection Agency, which you can read online at www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/insidest.htm.

Mold is one such contaminant, and is present to some degree in nearly every residence. It is a microorganism that has tiny seeds, or spores, that are spread on the air, land, and feed on organic matter. It has been in existence throughout human history, and actually contributes to the life process. It takes many different forms, many of them benign, like mildew. Some characterized as allergens are relatively benign but can provoke allergic reactions among sensitive people, and others characterized as pathogens can have adverse health effects on large segments of the population, such as the very young, the elderly, and people with suppressed immune systems. However, there are less common molds that are called toxigens that represent a serious health threat. All molds flourish in the presence of moisture, and we make a concerted effort to look for any evidence of it wherever there could be a water source, including that from condensation. Interestingly, the molds that commonly appear on ceramic tiles in bathrooms do not usually constitute a health threat, but they should be removed. However, some visibly similar molds that form on cellulose materials, such as on drywall, plaster, and wood, are potentially toxigenic. If mold is to be found anywhere within a home, it will likely be in the area of tubs, showers, toilets, sinks, water heaters, evaporator coils, inside attics with unvented bathroom exhaust fans, and return-air compartments that draw outside air, all of which are areas that we inspect very conscientiously. Nevertheless, mold can appear as though spontaneously at any time, so you should be prepared to monitor your home, and particularly those areas that we identified. Naturally, it is equally important to maintain clean air-supply ducts and to change filters as soon as they become soiled, because contaminated ducts are a common breeding ground for dust mites, rust, and other contaminants. Regardless, although some mold-like substances may be visually identified, the specific identification of molds can only be determined by specialists and laboratory analysis, and is absolutely beyond the scope of our inspection. Nonetheless, as a prudent investment in environmental hygiene, we categorically recommend that you have your home tested for the presence of any such contaminants, and particularly if you or any member of your family suffers from allergies or asthma. Also, you can learn more about mold from an Environmental Protection Agency document entitled "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home," by visiting their web site at: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/molds/moldguide.html/, from which it can be downloaded.

Asbestos is a notorious contaminant that could be present in any home built before 1978. It is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that was first used by the Greek and Romans in the first century, and it has been widely used throughout the modern world in a variety of thermal insulators, including those in the form of paper wraps, bats, blocks, and blankets. However, it can also be found in a wide variety of other products too numerous to mention, including duct insulation and acoustical materials, plasters, siding, floor tiles, heat vents, and roofing products. Although perhaps recognized as being present in some documented forms, asbestos can only be specifically identified by laboratory analysis. The most common asbestos fiber that exists in residential products is chrysotile, which belongs to the serpentine or white-asbestos group, and was used in the clutches and brake shoes of automobiles for many years. However, a single asbestos fiber is said to be able to cause cancer, and is therefore a potential health threat and a litigious issue. Significantly, asbestos fibers are only dangerous when they are released into the air and inhaled, and for this reason authorities such as the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and the Consumer Product Safety Commission [CPSC] distinguish between asbestos that is in good condition, or non-friable, and that which is in poor condition, or friable, which means that its fibers could be easily crumbled and become airborne. However, we are not specialists and, regardless of the condition of any real or suspected asbestos-containing material [ACM], we would not endorse it and recommend having it evaluated by a specialist.

Radon is a gas that results from the natural decay of radioactive materials within the soil, and is purported to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The gas is able to enter homes through the voids around pipes in concrete floors or through the floorboards of poorly ventilated crawlspaces, and particularly when the ground is wet and the gas cannot easily escape through the soil and dispersed into the atmosphere. However, it cannot be detected by the senses, and its existence can only be determined by sophisticated instruments and laboratory analysis, which is completely beyond the scope of our service. However, you can learn more about radon and other environmental contaminants and their affects on health, by contacting the EPA or a similar state agency, and it would be prudent for you to enquire about any high radon readings that might be prevalent in the general area surrounding your home.

Lead poses an equally serious health threat. In the 1920's, it was commonly found in many plumbing systems. In fact, the word "plumbing" is derived from the Latin word "plumbum," which means lead. When in use as a component of a waste system, it does not constitute a viable health threat, but as a component of potable water pipes it would certainly be a health-hazard. Although rarely found in use, lead could be present in any home build as recently as the nineteen seventies. For instance, lead was an active ingredient in many household paints, which can be released in the process of sanding, and even be ingested by small children and animals chewing on painted surfaces. Fortunately, the lead in painted surfaces can be detected by industrial hygienists using sophisticated instruments, but testing for it is not cheap. There are other environmental contaminants, some of which we have already mentioned, and others that may be relatively benign. However, we are not environmental hygienists, and as we stated earlier we disclaim any responsibility for testing or establishing the presence of any environmental contaminant, and recommend that you schedule whatever specialist inspections that may deem prudent during your inspection contingency period.

1 · Introduction

Opening Letter

1.1 · What really matters in a home inspection

Congratulations on buying your new home. The process can be stressful. A home inspection is supposed to give you peace of mind, but often has the opposite effect. You will be asked to absorb a lot of information in a short time. This often includes a written report, checklist, photographs, environmental reports, and what the inspector himself says during the inspection. All this combined with the seller's disclosure and what you notice yourself makes the experience even more overwhelming. What should you do? Relax. Most of your inspection will be maintenance recommendations, life expectancies and minor imperfections. These are nice to know about. However, the issues that really matter will fall into four categories: 1. Major defects. An example of this would be a significant structural failure. 2. Things that may lead to major defects. A small water leak coming from a piece of roof flashing, for example. 3. Things that may hinder your ability to finance, legally occupy, or insure the home. Structural damage caused by termite infestation, for example. 4. Safety hazards. Such as a lack of GFCI-protection. Anything in these categories should be corrected. Often a serious problem can be corrected inexpensively to protect both life and property (especially in categories 2 and 4). Most sellers are honest and are often surprised to learn of defects uncovered during an inspection. Realize that sellers are under no obligation to repair everything mentioned in the report. No home is perfect. Keep things in perspective. Don't kill your deal over things that don't matter. It is inappropriate to demand that a seller address deferred maintenance, conditions already listed on the seller's disclosure, or nit-picky items.

2 · Exterior

General Information

2.1 · Disclosure

Water is destructive, and if it's not given a way around a residence, it will likely find a way in. For this reason, the ideal residence is surrounded by surfaces that slope away from it for a minimum of six feet, and it has interior floors that are several inches higher than the exterior grade. It has roof gutters that discharge into area drains that convey water to a street or other hard surface. Unfortunately, many older residences don't meet this ideal, and people often fail to realize why positive drainage is essential until a problem occurs. Water not only flows on surfaces but beneath them as well and can penetrate walls and floors by capillary action or hydrostatic pressure, for which reason, capillary breaks and French drains are typically installed on modern sites to protect residences against moisture intrusion. A capillary break consists of layers of sand and gravel and a vapor barrier underneath a slab, and a French drain consists of five inch diameter tubes with holes facing the direction of the flow. They're typically enclosed in a sleeve or sock and encased in a bed of gravel in a trench that parallels a footing below the level of a floor, where they not only receive subterranean water that takes the path of least resistance, but can also receive water from roof gutters and area drains. However, area drains are only as good as their type and size. The least efficient are usually round and two or three inches in diameter, which are not only difficult to clean by hand but are easily obstructed by debris. The most efficient are five or six inches wide or larger and are similar to catch-basins that discharge close to the middle of the drain and allow any sediment or debris that's washed in to drop to the bottom where it can be easily removed. All area drains can be displaced by soil movement or blocked by roots and sedimentary material, and we don't flush-test them because it could literally take hours of time and hundreds of gallons of water, or entail the use of equipment or high-pressure hoses, for which reason we cannot guaranty that a drainage system will function as it's intended. We cannot guarantee the condition of any subterranean drainage system, and if a property does not meet this ideal, or if any portion of the interior floor is below the exterior grade, we cannot endorse it and recommend that you consult with a grading and drainage contractor, even though there may not be any evidence of moisture intrusion.

Exterior Components

2.2 · General Comments

Some of the parge coating on the exterior foundation has deteriorated. Parge coats are layers of mortar like material designed to cover and protect the exterior surface of the foundation wall. I recommend having parge coat repaired by a qualified contractor.
Needing Service

2.3 · Walkways

There is an offset in a walkway that could prove to be a trip-hazard. Repair is needed.

House Wall Finish

2.4 · House Wall Finish Type

The house walls are finished with a combination of stucco and siding.

3 · Roof

General Information

3.1 · Disclosure

We are not professional roofers. Feel free to hire one prior to closing. We do our best to inspect the roof system within the time allotted. We inspect the roof covering, drainage systems, the flashings, the skylights, chimneys, and roof penetrations. We are not required to inspect antennae, interior of flues or chimneys which are not readily accessible, and other installed accessories. This is not an exhaustive inspection of every installation detail of the roof system according to the manufacturers specifications or construction codes. It is virtually impossible to detect a leak except as it is occurring or by specific water tests, which are beyond the scope of our inspection. We recommend that you ask the sellers to disclose information about the roof, and that you include comprehensive roof coverage in your home insurance policy.

Composition Shingle Roof

3.2 · Composition Shingle General Comments

There are a wide variety of composition shingle roofs, which are comprised of asphalt or fiberglass materials impregnated with mineral granules that are designed to deflect the deteriorating ultra-violet rays of the sun. The most common of these roofs are warranted by manufacturers to last from twenty to twenty-five years, and are typically guaranteed against leaks by the installer for three to five years. The actual life of the roof will vary, depending on a number of interrelated factors besides the quality of the material and the method of installation. The first indication of significant wear is apparent when the granules begin to separate and leave pockmarks or dark spots. This is referred to as primary decomposition, which means that the roof is in decline, and therefore susceptible to leakage. This typically begins with the hip and ridge shingles and to the field shingles on the south facing side. This does not mean that the roof needs to be replaced, but that it should be monitored more regularly and serviced when necessary. Regular maintenance will certainly extend the life of any roof, and will usually avert most leaks that only become evident after they have caused other damage.

3.3 · Method of Evaluation

The roof was evaluated from the ground. It appears to be in good condition. All flashings were intact.

3.4 · Shingle Condition

The roof is in acceptable condition, but this is not a guarantee against leaks. For a guarantee, you would need to have a roofing company perform a water-test and issue a roof certification.

3.5 · Gutters & Drainage

The gutters appeared to be in acceptable condition at the time of inspection. Gutters should be cleaned twice a year. Loose or broken gutters and downspouts, or those clogged with debris, can allow water, dirt, mold and mildew to penetrate your roof, exterior walls, and even your home’s foundation.

3.6 · Gutters & Drainage

This downspout discharges too close to the foundation of the home. This condition can result in excessively high moisture levels in the soil at the foundation that can lead to water intrusion into the basement and damage to the foundation. I recommend the installation of a downspout extension to discharge a minimum of 6 feet from the house.
Needing Service

4 · Chimney

General Information

4.1 · Disclosures

We are not certified chimney sweeps. Only they can determine if a fireplace and chimney are safe to use. All fireplaces should be cleaned and inspected on a regular basis to make sure that no cracks have developed. Large fires in the firebox can overheat the firebox and flue liners, sometimes resulting in internal damage.

4.2 · Condition

The chimney material is brick. It is in satisfactory condition at the time of inspection.

4.3 · Weather Cap-Spark Arrestor

The chimney does not have a weather cap/spark arrestor, which is recommended. Spark arrestors keep sparks and embers from landing on the roof or on combustible material on the ground to start a fire. Chimney spark arrestors generally consist of double layers of metal mesh. This mesh can catch embers, yet still allow gases and smoke to exit the chimney.
Recommended Safety Upgrade


4.4 · Unvented Gas Fireplace System

The fireplace is an unvented, natural gas-fired type system that we do not endorse. You should research this product and take safety precautions such as installing a carbon-monoxide alarm and an oxygen depletion alarm.
Further Investigation Advised

5 · Garage

General Information

5.1 · Disclosures

Determining the heat resistance rating of firewalls is beyond the scope of this inspection. Flammable materials should not be stored within closed garage areas.

Single-Car Garage

5.2 · Safety sensors

The automatic reverse safety sensors were present and functioning. These sensors are installed to prevent injury by raising the garage door if the sensor detects someone may be injury by the descending door. Installation of these sensors is required in a new home since 1993.

5.3 · Outlets

The outlets should be upgraded to include ground fault protection, which is mandated by current standards and is an important safety feature.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

5.4 · Slab Floor

The slab floor is in acceptable condition. Small cracks are common and result as a consequence of the curing process, seismic activity, common settling, or the presence expansive soils, but are not structurally threatening. Also, you may notice some salt crystal formations that are activated by moisture penetrating the slab.

6 · Structural

General Information

6.1 · Disclosures

The foundation performance opinion stated hereunder neither in any way addresses future foundation movement or settlement, nor does it certify floors to be level. This inspector is not responsible for defects in the slab in areas that are not visible for inspection. The inspector does not perform any engineering studies or measurements such as geological, and hydrological stability test, soils conditions reports; wave action reporting; any form of engineering analysis. Only licensed engineers can conduct such evaluations. Should you have present or future concerns regarding the foundation's condition, you are strongly advised to consult with a licensed Professional Structural Engineer for further evaluation. Most dwellings that either have basements or are built on a slab that is on or below grade have the potential of water leaking into them. Most crawl spaces do get water leaking into them. Even if there are no signs, this dwelling may still get water. If the lowest level of this dwelling is finished, water could be leaking behind the walls and not be seen. Further investigation is required by a qualified drainage specialist to determine if this dwelling has problems with water infiltration. Areas hidden from view by finished walls or stored items can not be judged and are not a part of this inspection. Minor cracks are typical in many foundations and most do not represent a structural problem. If major cracks are present along with bowing, we routinely recommend further evaluation be made by a qualified structural engineer. All exterior grades should allow for surface and roof water to flow away from the foundation. All concrete floor slabs experience some degree of cracking due to shrinkage in the drying process. In most instances floor coverings prevent recognition of cracks or settlement in all but the most severe cases. Where carpeting and other floor coverings are installed, the materials and condition of the flooring underneath cannot be determined.

Structural Elements

6.2 · Identification of Roof Structure

The roof structure is conventionally framed with rafters, purlins, collar-ties, et cetera.

6.3 · Identification of Ceiling Structure

The ceiling structure consists of standard joists.

6.4 · Identification of Wall Structure

The walls are conventionally framed with wooden studs.


6.5 · Disclosure

The residence has a basement. We try to enter and inspect all accessible areas, looking for evidence of structural material defects. We look for cracks, but those that are less than 1/4" and which do not exhibit any vertical or horizontal displacement are generally not regarded as being material structural defects. We look for signs of water penetration too, but please consult the seller's disclosure. We do all we can to see everything in the unfinished basement. There are restrictions to the inspection though. Including, but not limited to the electrical wires, pipes, storage, ductwork, insulation, floor coverings, etc.

6.6 · Sump Pumps

The sump pump was tested and was operational at the time of inspection. Loose debris should be cleared from this area to prevent any clogging or damage to the sump pump.

6.7 · Electrical

Old unused wires were exposed in the basement. These wires should be removed by a qualified electrician.
Repair is needed

6.8 · Electrical

There is an open electrical junction box in the basement that should be sealed to hide exposed wires. All electrical work should be performed by a qualified electrician.
Repair is needed

6.9 · Stairs

The stairs do not have a handrail on both sides, which is an essential safety feature that should be installed by a qualified person. It should extend the full length of the stairs.
Needing Service

6.10 · Stairs

The stairway lighting is incorrect. Stairways are required to have lighting that can be operated from the top and bottom of the stairs, which will illuminate the entire stairway and its top & bottom landings. This condition should be corrected by a qualified electrician.
Needing Service

6.11 · Poured Concrete Walls

There are some relatively small vertical cracks in the poured concrete walls, which are probably attributable to shrinkage and have little structural significance. Generally speaking, cracks that are less than 1/4" are not commonly regarded as being structurally significant.
Condition to be Monitored and/or Maintained

7 · Plumbing

General Information

7.1 · Disclosures

Water quality or hazardous materials (lead) testing is available from local testing labs. All underground piping related to water supply, waste, or sprinkler use are excluded from this inspection. Leakage or corrosion in underground piping cannot be detected by a visual inspection. Risk factors for latent problems in the underground sewer pipe from the home include the age of the home, front yard trees, and etc. It is recommended that a video camera inspection of the sewer line is performed by a licensed plumber. The sewer line was not inspected today. If replacement of the sewer line is necessary, it is expensive. In addition contact a plumbing contractor to determine if the water service pipe is leaking, the water service pipe was not inspected today. Removal and replacement of these pipes is very expensive. The temperature pressure relief valve, at the upper portion of the water heater, is a required safety valve which should be connected to a drain line of proper size terminating just above floor elevation. If no drain is located in the floor a catch pan should be installed with a drain extending to a safe location. The steam caused by a blow-off can cause scalding. Improper installations should be corrected. Temperature and pressure relief valves should be reinspected at least once every three years by a licensed plumbing contractor to ensure that the product has not been affected by corrosive water conditions and to ensure that the valve and discharge line have not been altered or tampered with illegally. Certain naturally occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over time, rendering the valve inoperative. Such conditions are not detectable unless the valve and its components are physically removed and inspected. Do not attempt to conduct this inspection on your own. Contact your plumbing contractor for a reinspection to assure continuing safety. The testing of water supply shut off valves (the valves located under sinks, toilets, in the ceilings of basements, etc.) is not required by home inspectors in this state since valves that are rarely turned often leak if turned. We have found that at least half of all the shut off valves in the average home stick. If this is a concern of yours, have these checked by a qualified plumber. Washers, dryers, floor coverings, storage, and furnishings are not moved. Deficiencies may exist under and behind them. Washing machine, water conditioners, and AC drains are not inspected. If this is a concern, hire a qualified specialist to inspect them. Water conditioning systems, solar water heaters, fire and lawn sprinkler systems, and private waste disposal systems are not inspected. The inspection of sink/bathtub overflow drains is beyond the scope of this inspection. The reason is that if they are not working we would cause water damage to the home. Please note that even if water heaters, plumbing fixtures, water supply, waste water, sewer vent, and or gas pipes were operational today I offer no assurance they will function later today or tomorrow

Potable Water Supply Pipes

7.2 · Public Water Supply

The potable water is supplied to the residence by a public utility company.

7.3 · Water Meter Location

The water meter is located in the finished side of the basement, behind the bar and in a cabinet. The main water shut off valve is labeled in this picture.

7.4 · Copper Water Pipes

The potable water pipes are in acceptable condition.

Waste & Drainage Systems

7.5 · General Comments

We attempt to evaluate drain pipes by flushing every drain that has an active fixture while observing its draw and watching for blockages or slow drains, but this is not a conclusive test and only a video-scan of the main line would confirm its actual condition. However, you can be sure that blockages will occur, usually relative in severity to the age of the system, and will range from minor ones in the branch lines, or at the traps beneath sinks, tubs, and showers, to major blockages in the main line. The minor ones are easily cleared, either by chemical means or by removing and cleaning the traps. However, if tree roots grow into the main drain that connects the house to the public sewer, repairs could become expensive and might include replacing the entire main line. For these reasons, we recommend that you ask the sellers if they have ever experienced any drainage problems, or you should consider having the main waste line video-scanned during your inspection contingency period. Failing this, you should obtain an insurance policy that covers blockages and damage to the main line. However, most policies only cover plumbing repairs within the house, or the cost of rooter service, most of which are relatively inexpensive.

7.6 · Type of Material

The visible portions of the drainpipes are Poly Vinyl Chloride or PVC pipes

7.7 · Clean Outs

Clean-outs are a necessary component of any residential waste and drainage system. They are designed to allow easy access for repairs, modifications and maintenance of the main drain-line and branch drain-lines, and are required components in modern plumbing systems. Clean-outs are often inadvertently concealed behind exterior wall covering, ground cover or even slabs, such as patios and sidewalks. During our inspection we do not locate nor report on clean-outs except to note obvious deficiencies such as unsealed openings or obvious leakage.

Gas Water Heaters

7.8 · General Comments

There are a wide variety of residential water heaters that range in capacity from fifteen to one hundred gallons. They can be expected to last at least as long as their warranty, or from five to eight years, but they will generally last longer. However, few of them last longer than fifteen or twenty years and many eventually leak. So it is always wise to have them installed over a drain pan plumbed to the exterior. Also, it is prudent to flush them annually to remove minerals that include the calcium chloride bi-product of many water softening systems. The water temperature should be set at a minimum of 110 degrees Fahrenheit to kill microbes and a maximum of 140 degrees to prevent scalding. Also, water heaters can be dangerous if they are not seismically secured and equipped with either a pressure/temperature relief valve and discharge pipe plumbed to the exterior, or a Watts 210 gas shut-off valve.

7.9 · Age Capacity & Location

The water heater is located in the basement. It is a Rheem 2011 natural gas water heater. It’s 38,000 BTU’s. Serial # RHLN0411526927. Model # 22V50F1. It’s capacity is 50 gallons. A pressure relief valve is present. It was tested and the overall condition is satisfactory. It is close to its expected life span. As water heaters may fail at any time, and often without warning, it is advised that it should be replaced at this time and prior to its failure. The client should be aware that significant flooding can occur if the water heater fails. If replacement is put aside until a later time, it is recommended that a catch pan with a drain and a water alarm be installed by a qualified plumber to prevent damage in the case of water leaks.
Recommend Upgrade

8 · Electrical Service Equipment

General Information

8.1 · Disclosures

Any electrical repairs attempted by anyone other than a licensed electrician should be approached with caution. The power to the entire house should be turned off prior to beginning any repair efforts, no matter how trivial the repair may seem. Aluminum wiring requires periodic inspection and maintenance by a licensed electrician. Operation of time clock motors is not verified. Inoperative light fixtures often lack bulbs or have dead bulbs installed. Light bulbs are not changed during the inspection, due to time constraints. Smoke Alarms should be installed within 15 feet of all bedroom doors, and tested regularly. Electric distribution (number and location of electric receptacles) with an older home is much less than a newer home. Installation of additional electric receptacles is necessary in order to avoid fire and shock hazards posed by extension cords. Furniture may block the inspection of various outlets. Defects may exist in any outlets not tested. Electrical components concealed behind finished surfaces are not inspected. The inspection does not include remote control devices, alarm systems and components, low voltage wiring, systems, and components, ancillary wiring, systems, and other components which are not part of the primary electrical power distribution system.

Electrical Equipment & Service Panel

8.2 · Service Entrance

The service type is overhead. The drip loop is in acceptable condition. The meter box appears functional.

8.3 · Service Panel Size & Location

The main electrical panel is located in the basement. It is a 200 amp panel. All of the circuit breakers are labeled properly. The service wires are copper. It appears to be in satisfactory condition at the time of inspection.

8.4 · Wiring Type

The residence is wired predominantly with a vinyl conduit known as non-metallic cable (NMC) or Romex.

8.5 · Service Equipment Grounding & Bonding

The electrical system is grounded into a grounding rod on the side of the house and is in good condition.

9 · Heat/AC

HVAC Split Systems

9.1 · Age & Location

The exterior AC unit is a 2019 Ruud 40,000 BTU air conditioner. It was tested for performance and proper operation. The overall condition is satisfactory at the time of inspection.

9.2 · Common Observations

The exterior AC unit was not level. This can put a strain on the fan motor, prevent proper lubrication of the compressor, and affect the systems performance. Properly leveling the unit onto its concrete slab is recommended to be conducted by an HVAC contractor.
Needing Service

9.3 · Refrigerant Lines

The refrigerant lines are in acceptable condition.

10 · Heat

Forced-Air Furnaces

10.1 · Age & Location

The home is heated by a Ruud category 1 mid efficiency forced warm air gas furnace. It is located in the unfinished side of the basement. The capacity of the unit is 125,000 BTU’s. It was tested for performance and proper operation. The overall condition is satisfactory. The unit is 22 years old. It is nearing its life expectancy and should be more closely monitored, serviced bi-annually, and have its filters changed every 2-3 months as needed.
Condition to be Monitored and/or Maintained

10.2 · Thermostats

The thermostat is functional.

11 · Living

Main Entry

11.1 · Doors

The door is functional.

11.2 · Outlets

The outlets that were tested are functional.

Living Room

11.3 · Walls & Ceiling

There is a moisture stain on the wall paneling. It was tested with a moisture meter and is not active. I recommend that you ask the sellers to explain or have it explored further.
Further Investigation Advised

11.4 · Dual-Glazed Windows

The windows are functional.

11.5 · Lights

The lights are functional.

11.6 · Outlets

The outlets that were tested are functional.

Dining Room

11.7 · Dual-Glazed Windows

The windows are functional.

11.8 · Lights

The lights are functional.

11.9 · Outlets

The outlets that were tested are functional.

12 · Kitchen

General Information

12.1 · Disclosure

We check the appliances only as a courtesy to you. Appliances are not within the scope of a home inspection. We do not evaluate the appliances for their performance nor for the accuracy of their settings or cycles. We assume no responsibility for future problems with the appliances. Also, many older ovens are not secured to the wall to prevent tipping. Be sure to check the alliance, especially if children are in the house. We recommend installing a minimum five-pound ABC-type fire extinguisher mounted on the wall inside the kitchen area.


12.2 · Outlets

The outlets that were tested are functional and include ground-fault protection.

12.3 · Refrigerator

The refrigerator was functioning properly at the time of inspection.

12.4 · Gas Range

The gas range is functional, but was neither calibrated nor tested for its performance.

12.5 · Dishwasher

The dishwasher is functional.

12.6 · Sink & Countertop

The sink and countertop are functional.

12.7 · Cabinets

The cabinets are functional, and do not have any significant damage.

12.8 · Exhaust Fan or Downdraft

The exhaust fan is functional and a type that vents internally.

13 · Stairs

Main Stairs

13.1 · Handrails & Guardrails

The spacing between some of the balusters on the main staircase were too wide. Modern safety standards mandate that a 4 inch sphere should not pass through at any point. This condition may be hazardous to small children.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

13.2 · Handrails & Guardrails

There should be a handrail on both sides of the stairs, which is an essential safety feature that should be added by a qualified contractor.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

14 · Attic

General Information

14.1 · Disclosure

We inspect the attic by entering it. But if there is no flooring, and the insulation is covering the joists, I will be unable to safely move all around the attic space completely.

14.2 · Drop-Down Ladder

The inspector recommends a guardrail be installed around the opening into the attic for safety reasons. This should be performed by a qualified contractor.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

14.3 · Framing

There are signs of bird nesting activity in the attic. I recommend all sources of entry be located and blocked. All work should be performed by a qualified contractor.
Repair is needed

14.4 · Electrical

There is an open junction box in the attic. This is a fire hazard and should be corrected by a qualified electrician.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

14.5 · Batt Insulation

The attic floor is insulated with approximately six-inches of fiberglass, batt insulation. When installed according to the manufacturers recommendations, this gives the attic an approximate insulation resistance rating, or R-Value, of R-19. Current standards call for nine and even twelve-inches, or R-30, and you may wish to consider adding more. In addition, there are bare spots of no insulation. This reduces the energy efficiency of the residence. I recommend correction by a qualified contractor.
Recommend Upgrade

15 · Bedrooms

Master Bedroom

15.1 · Dual-Glazed Windows

The windows that were unobstructed were checked, and found to be functional.

15.2 · Outlets

The outlets that were unobstructed and able to be tested are functional.

First Guest Bedroom

15.3 · Dual-Glazed Windows

The windows that were unobstructed were checked, and found to be functional.

15.4 · Outlets

In older homes the original wiring did not have ground wire connected to the outlets. These ungrounded outlets are easily distinguished by their two hole/ slot configuration verses the newer grounded type of outlet that has three holes/ slots. For safety reasons, these outlets should be replaced by a qualified electrician.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

Second Guest Bedroom

15.5 · Dual-Glazed Windows

The windows that were unobstructed were checked, and found to be functional.

15.6 · Closets

An incandescent light fixture has been used for the closet lighting. These are fire hazards and are not allowed in closets where flammable materials are stored. The fixture should be replaced with an approved type, including a globe-type cover, by a qualified electrician.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

15.7 · Outlets

The outlets that were unobstructed and able to be tested are functional.

16 · Bathrooms

General Information

16.1 · Disclosures

Shower pans (the floor of a shower stall) are visually checked for leakage, but leaks often do not show except when the shower is in actual use with the weight of a person in them. Determining whether shower pans, the tub and shower surrounds are water tight is beyond the scope of this inspection. Determining if a shower pan or if any other bathroom fixtures and pipes are leaking into the floors or walls is beyond the scope of this inspection since they are not visible. Even if bathroom fixtures and faucets were operational with no leaks today, I offer no assurance they will function properly with no leaks later today or tomorrow. It is very important to maintain all grouting and caulking in the bath areas. Very minor imperfections can allow water to get into the wall or floor areas and cause damage. Proper ongoing maintenance will be required in the future. If water stains are found on the ceilings below the bathrooms , they will be noted in the interior section of the report. The testing of water supply shut off valves is not required by home inspectors in this state since valves that are rarely turned often leak and stick. We have found that about half of all the shut off valves in the average home stick. If this is a concern of yours, have a qualified plumber check all the water shut off valves in the home.

Master Bathroom

16.2 · Sink Faucet Valves & Connectors Trap & Drain

The sink and its components are functional.

16.3 · Tub-Shower

The marble step into the shower is cracked. Repair is needed to prevent water intrusion.
Repair is needed

16.4 · Exhaust Fan

The exhaust fan is functional.

16.5 · Outlets

The outlets are functional and include ground-fault protection.

Hallway Bathroom

16.6 · Sink Faucet Valves & Connectors Trap & Drain

The sink and its components are functional.

16.7 · Toilet & Bidet

The toilet is functional.

16.8 · Exhaust Fan

The exhaust fan is functional.

16.9 · Outlets

The outlets are functional and include ground-fault protection.

17 · Laundry

General Information

17.1 · Disclosures

Our inspection today will not detect the presence of lint in the clothes dryer vent pipe and often will not determine the type of concealed clothes dryer vent pipe, which are potential fire hazards. In order to avoid a house fire the Inspector recommends that you immediately have the dryer vent replaced with one meeting modern safety standards and that you have it professionally cleaned and inspected annually.

17.2 · No Recommended Service

The washer and dryer were tested and are functional.

17.3 · Valves & Connectors

The water supply to washing machines is commonly left on, and the rubber hoses that are commonly used to supply water can become stressed and burst. For this reason we recommend replacing the rubber supply hoses with metal-braided ones that are more resilient.
Recommend Upgrade

17.4 · Dryer Vent

Faulty dryer vents have been responsible for thousands of fires, hundreds of injuries, and even deaths. The best vents are a smooth-walled metal type that travels a short distance; all other types should be regarded as suspect, and should be inspected bi-annually to ensure that they do not contain trapped lint or moisture.

17.5 · Dryer Vent

Outside lint could be a sign that the exhaust vent needs cleaning. Further investigation is advised.
Further Investigation Advised

17.6 · Outlets

The washing machine was using an extension cord to reach an outlet. The inspector recommends that an electrical receptacle be installed to provide permanent power to the washing machine. All work should be performed by a qualified electrician.
Recommended Safety Upgrade

18 · Conclusion

Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC

18.1 · Home inspection conclusion

Thank you for choosing Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC to inspect your new home. We are proud of our service, and trust that you will be happy with the quality of our report. We have made every effort to provide you with an accurate assessment of the condition of the property and its components at the time of inspection, and to alert you to any significant defects or adverse conditions. However, we may not have tested every outlet, and opened every window and door, or identified every problem. Also because our inspection is essentially visual, latent defects could exist. We can not see behind walls. Therefore, you should not regard our inspection as a guarantee or warranty. It is simply a report on the general condition of a property at a given point in time. As a homeowner, you should expect problems to occur. Roofs will leak, basements may have water problems, and systems may fail without warning. We can not predict future events. Thank you for taking the time to read this report, and call us if you have any questions. We are always attempting to improve the quality of our service and our report.

19 · Pre-closing final walk through

General Information

19.1 · Final walk through

The walk-through prior to closing is the time for you to inspect the property. Conditions can change between the time of a home inspection and the time of closing. Restrictions that existed during the inspection may have been removed for the walk-through. Defects or problems that were not found during the home inspection may be discovered during the walk-through. You should be thorough during the walk-through. Any defect or problem discovered during the walk-through should be negotiated with the owner/seller of the property prior to closing. Purchasing the property with a known defect or problem releases Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC of all responsibility. The Client assumes responsibility for all known defects after settlement. The following are recommendations for the pre-closing walk-through of your new home. 1. Check the heating and cooling systems to confirm they are operational. The cooling system should not be checked if the temperature is below 60 degrees of if the temperature was below freezing the night before the walk-through. And you should not operate a heat pump in the heating mode when it is over 75 degrees outside. 2. Operate all appliances. 3. Run water at all fixtures and flush toilets. Look for plumbing leaks. 4. Ask for all remote controls to any garage door openers, fans, gas fireplaces, etc.. 5. Inspect areas that may have been restricted at the time of the inspection. 6. Ask seller about prior infestation treatments and warranties that may be transferable. 7. Look for anything that was damaged during the occupant moving out. 8. Read the sellers disclosure. Sincerely, Jeff Wysocki Complete Pro Home Inspections LLC